Near the month of September footage started going viral over the internet of the Rohingyan Massacre in Myanmar (Burma) on the ethnic cleansing of Rohingyans an majority of ethnic group of Muslims the Myanmar Muslims. They have not been recognized as Myanmar or Burmese Citizens for quite some time. Even so that the de facto Aung San Suu Kyi has denied the existence of the atrocities as well as the ethnic cleansing of it own people. Because of which she has also faced International criticism. It has been so bad for social media that Apparently since I have been writing this article there is still no Spell check for the word “Rohingya”
Below are some Cartoons between 26 th of August to present by different cartoonists mostly Pakistani including some foreign ones that have used their art to depict the horrible crime against Humanity
PS: as the world is connected thousand folsds we can’t collect all the cartoon s created these are some that have been collected thanks to Mudassar Butt, Sabir Nazar and Feica’s efforts fpr which we should be thank ful we will be posting more works in coming months
- Mudassar Butt
- Sabir Nazar
- Feica
- Anwar Ali House of NANNAs old cartoons but still relevant to the situation
- Khalid Hussain
- Tariq Afridi
- Muhammad Zahoor
- Paresh
- Stephff
- Latuff
- Harn Lay
- Patrick Chappatte