Comedy Fest PK part 01

Fun and Excitement at the First Comedy Fest PK 2016 We will see all of you at the 2nd one Right after Ramzan

It was an amazing night last night as we presented to a jammed Packed Audience the very first installment of Comedy Fest PK. It was really really hot last night but even without that many people came to Olomopolo Media. We had some short notice cancellations from 2 performers due clashed in their Schedule but it was a really fine event


-Rai Ali Raza the Tawaa Master General was in full swing with shor kotia style of comedy and unique accent.

-We had our first Female Comedian Amina who is a Motivational Speaker at Lahore Avari Hotel.

-We had a veteran Comic from GCU University Omar Darr. He is a practicing Psychologist and real awesome dude

-Muhammad Hussain who gave a new take to Comedy in English.

-Zeeshan was a new comer a teacher by profession and very confident at that to take on the Jabs put by Rai Ali.

I also took on the role of Comic act but mine was a bit 21+ style of comedy with a lot of toilet humor and jokes.
But any way it was a wonderful event and we hope to bring more event like this in the near future after the week of Ramdan. Insha Allah.

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After the event we went out for Pizzas and Ice Cream with Compliments of Manolo Gelato and New Yorker Pizza. our Thanks to our Sponsors as well as Gamers Revolution for Providing with free vouchers to all the guests and the participants.